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using Plots

For a matrix mat with unique nonzeros spy(mat) returns a colorless plot. If mat has various different nonzero values, a colorbar is added. The colorbar can be disabled with legend = nothing.

using SparseArrays
a = spdiagm(0 => ones(50), 1 => ones(49), -1 => ones(49), 10 => ones(40), -10 => ones(40))
b = spdiagm(0 => 1:50, 1 => 1:49, -1 => 1:49, 10 => 1:40, -10 => 1:40)
plot(spy(a), spy(b), title = ["Unique nonzeros" "Different nonzeros"])
2025-03-19T20:18:53.801296 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.9.1, https://matplotlib.org/

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