Unconnected lines using missing or NaN

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using Plots

Missing values and non-finite values, including NaN, are not plotted. Instead, lines are separated into segments at these values.

(x, y) = ([1, 2, 2, 1, 1], [1, 2, 1, 2, 1])
plot(plot([rand(5); NaN; rand(5); NaN; rand(5)]), plot([1, missing, 2, 3], marker = true), plot([x; NaN; x .+ 2], [y; NaN; y .+ 1], arrow = 2), plot([1, 2 + 3im, Inf, 4im, 3, -Inf * im, 0, 3 + 3im], marker = true), legend = false)
2025-03-19T20:19:02.284554 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.9.1, https://matplotlib.org/

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