Vectors of markershapes and segments

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using Plots
using Base.Iterators: cycle, take
yv = ones(9)
ys = [1; 1; NaN; ones(6)]
y = 5 .- [yv 2ys 3yv 4ys]
plt_color_rows = plot(y, seriestype = [:path :path :scatter :scatter], markershape = collect(take(cycle((:utriangle, :rect)), 9)), markersize = 8, color = collect(take(cycle((:red, :black)), 9)))
plt_z_cols = plot(y, markershape = [:utriangle :x :circle :square], markersize = [5 10 10 5], marker_z = [5 4 3 2], line_z = [1 3 3 1], linewidth = [1 10 5 1])
plot(plt_color_rows, plt_z_cols)
2025-03-19T20:19:12.103583 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.9.1,

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