These attributes apply to individual series (lines, scatters, heatmaps, etc)
Attribute | Aliases | Default | Type | Description |
arrow | arrows | `nothing` | Union{Bool, Plots.Arrow} | Defines arrowheads that should be displayed at the end of path line segments (just before a NaN and the last non-NaN point). Used in quiverplot, streamplot, or similar. |
bar_edges | `false` | Bool | Align bars to edges (true), or centers (the default) ? | |
bar_position | bar_positions, barpositions | `:overlay` | Symbol | Choose from `:overlay` (default), `:stack`. (warning: may only be partially implemented). |
bar_width | bar_widths, barwidths | `nothing` | Real | Width of bars in data coordinates. When `nothing`, chooses based on `x` (or `y` when `orientation = :h`). |
bins | bin, nb, nbin, nbins | `:auto` | Union{Integer, Symbol, Tuple{Integer, Integer}, AbstractVector} | Default is :auto (the Freedman-Diaconis rule). For histogram-types, defines the approximate number of bins to aim for, or the auto-binning algorithm to use (:sturges, :sqrt, :rice, :scott or :fd).\nFor fine-grained control pass a Vector of break values, e.g. `range(minimum(x), stop = maximum(x), length = 25)`. |
colorbar_entry | colorbar_entrys, colorbarentrys | `true` | Bool | Include this series in the color bar? Set to `false` to exclude. |
connections | `nothing` | Any | ||
contour_labels | clabels, clabs, contourlabels | `false` | Bool | Show labels at the contour lines ? |
contours | `false` | Bool | Add contours to the side-grids of 3D plots? Used in surface/wireframe. | |
extra_kwargs | `Dict{Any, Any}()` | Symbol | Specify for which element extra keyword args are collected or a KW (Dict{Symbol,Any}) to pass a map of extra keyword args which may be specific to a backend. Choose from (`:plot`, `:subplot`, `:series`), defaults to `:series`.\nExample: `pgfplotsx(); scatter(1:5, extra_kwargs=Dict(:subplot=>Dict("axis line shift" => "10pt"))`. | |
fill_z | fill_zs, fillz, fillzs, fz, sc, surfacecolor, surfacecolour, surfcolor, surfcolour | `nothing` | AbstractMatrix | Matrix of the same size as z matrix, which specifies the color of the 3D surface. |
fillalpha | fa, falpha, fillalphas, fillopacity, fopacity, fα | `nothing` | Real | The alpha/opacity override for the fill area. `nothing` (the default) means it will take the alpha value of fillcolor. |
fillcolor | fc, fcolor, fcolour, fillcolors, fillcolour | `:match` | Union{Integer, Symbol, ColorSchemes.ColorScheme, Colorant} | Color of the filled area of path or bar types. `:match` will take the value from `:seriescolor`. |
fillrange | fill_between, fillbetween, fillranges, fillrng, fillto, frange | `nothing` | Union{Real, AbstractVector} | Fills area between fillrange and `y` for line-types, sets the base for `bar`, `sticks` types, and similar for other types. |
fillstyle | fillstyles | `nothing` | Symbol | Style of the fill area. `nothing` (the default) means solid fill. Choose from :/, :\\, :|, :-, :+, :x. |
group | g, grouping, groups | `nothing` | AbstractVector | Data is split into a separate series, one for each unique value in `group`. |
hover | hovers | `nothing` | AbstractVector{AbstractString} | Text to display when hovering over each data point. |
label | lab, labels | `:auto` | AbstractString | The label for a series, which appears in a legend. If empty, no legend entry is added. |
levels | levs, nlev, nlevels | `15` | Union{Integer, AbstractVector} | Singleton for number of contours or iterable for contour values. Determines contour levels for a contour type. |
line_z | line_zs, linez, linezs, lz, zline | `nothing` | Union{Function, AbstractVector} | z-values for each series line segment, which correspond to the color to be used from a linecolor gradient. Note that for N points, only the first N-1 values are used (one per line-segment). |
linealpha | la, lalpha, linealphas, lineopacity, lopacity, lα | `nothing` | Real | The alpha/opacity override for the line. `nothing` (the default) means it will take the alpha value of linecolor. |
linecolor | lc, lcolor, lcolour, linecolors, linecolour | `:auto` | Union{Integer, Symbol, ColorSchemes.ColorScheme, Colorant} | Color of the line (for path and bar stroke). `:match` will take the value from `:seriescolor`, (though histogram/bar types use `:black` as a default). |
linestyle | linestyles, ls, s, style | `:solid` | Symbol | Style of the line (for path and bar stroke). Choose from [:auto, :solid, :dash, :dot, :dashdot, :dashdotdot] |
linewidth | linewidths, lw, w, width | `:auto` | Real | Width of the line (in pixels). |
marker_z | marker_zs, markerz, markerzs, mz, zcolor | `nothing` | Union{Function, AbstractVector} | z-values for each series data point, which correspond to the color to be used from a markercolor gradient (`f(x,y,z) -> z_value` or `f(x,y) -> z_value`). |
markeralpha | ma, malpha, markeralphas, markeropacity, mopacity, mα | `nothing` | Real | The alpha/opacity override for the marker interior. `nothing` (the default) means it will take the alpha value of markercolor. |
markercolor | markercolors, markercolour, mc, mcolor, mcolour | `:match` | Union{Integer, Symbol, ColorSchemes.ColorScheme, Colorant} | Color of the interior of the marker or shape. `:match` will take the value from `:seriescolor`. |
markershape | markershapes, shape | `:none` | Union{Symbol, Shape, AbstractVector} | Choose from [:none, :auto, :circle, :rect, :star5, :diamond, :hexagon, :cross, :xcross, :utriangle, :dtriangle, :rtriangle, :ltriangle, :pentagon, :heptagon, :octagon, :star4, :star6, :star7, :star8, :vline, :hline, :+, :x]. |
markersize | markersizes, ms, msize | `4` | Union{Real, AbstractVector} | Size (radius pixels) of the markers. |
markerstrokealpha | markerstrokealphas, markerstrokeopacity, msa, msalpha, msopacity, msα | `nothing` | Real | The alpha/opacity override for the marker stroke (border). `nothing` (the default) means it will take the alpha value of markerstrokecolor. |
markerstrokecolor | markerstrokecolors, markerstrokecolour, msc, mscolor, mscolour | `:match` | Union{Integer, Symbol, ColorSchemes.ColorScheme, Colorant} | Color of the marker stroke (border). `:match` will take the value from `:foreground_color_subplot`. |
markerstrokestyle | markerstrokestyles | `:solid` | Symbol | Style of the marker stroke (border). Choose from [:auto, :solid, :dash, :dot, :dashdot, :dashdotdot]. |
markerstrokewidth | markerstrokewidths, msw, mswidth | `1` | Real | Width of the marker stroke (border) in pixels. |
normalize | norm, normalized, normalizes, normed | `false` | Union{Bool, Symbol} | Histogram normalization mode. Possible values are: false/:none (no normalization, default), true/:pdf (normalize to a discrete PDF, where the total area of the bins is 1), :probability (bin heights sum to 1) and :density (the area of each bin, rather than the height, is equal to the counts - useful for uneven bin sizes). |
orientation | dir, direction, orientations | `:vertical` | Symbol | (deprecated in favor of `:permute`) Horizontal or vertical orientation for bar types. Values `:h`, `:hor`, `:horizontal` correspond to horizontal (sideways, anchored to y-axis), and `:v`, `:vert`, and `:vertical` correspond to vertical (the default). |
permute | permutes | `:none` | Tuple{Symbol, Symbol} | Permutes data and axis properties of the axes given in the tuple, e.g. (:x, :y). |
primary | primarys | `true` | Bool | Does this count as a 'real series'? For example, you could have a path (primary), and a scatter (secondary) as two separate series, maybe with different data (see `sticks` recipe for an example). The secondary series will get the same color, etc as the primary. |
quiver | gradient, quiver2d, quivers, vectorfield, velocity | `nothing` | Union{Tuple{AbstractVector, AbstractVector}, AbstractVector} | The directional vectors U,V which specify velocity/gradient vectors for a quiver plot. |
ribbon | rib, ribbons | `nothing` | Union{Real, AbstractVector} | Creates a fillrange around the data points. |
series_annotations | series_ann, series_annotation, series_anns, seriesann, seriesannotation, seriesanns, text, texts, txt, txts | `nothing` | Union{AbstractString, Plots.PlotText, AbstractVector} | These are annotations which are mapped to data points/positions. |
seriesalpha | alpha, opacity, seriesalphas, α | `nothing` | Real | The alpha/opacity override for the series. `nothing` (the default) means it will take the alpha value of the color. |
seriescolor | c, cmap, color, colormap, colour, seriescolors | `:auto` | Union{Integer, Symbol, ColorSchemes.ColorScheme, Colorant} | The base color for this series. `:auto` (the default) will select a color from the subplot's `color_palette`, based on the order it was added to the subplot. Also describes the colormap for surfaces. |
seriestype | linetype, lt, seriestypes, st, t, typ | `:path` | Symbol | This is the identifier of the type of visualization for this series. Choose from [:none, :line, :path, :steppre, :stepmid, :steppost, :sticks, :scatter, :heatmap, :hexbin, :barbins, :barhist, :histogram, :scatterbins, :scatterhist, :stepbins, :stephist, :bins2d, :histogram2d, :histogram3d, :density, :bar, :hline, :vline, :contour, :pie, :shape, :image, :path3d, :scatter3d, :surface, :wireframe, :contour3d, :volume, :mesh3d] or any series recipes which are defined. |
show_empty_bins | show_empty, showempty, showemptybins | `false` | Bool | Whether empty bins in a 2D histogram are colored as 0 (true), or transparent (the default). |
smooth | reg, regression, smooths | `false` | Bool | Add a regression line ? |
stride | str, strides, surf_str, surface_stride, surfacestride, surfstr, wirefame_stride, wirefamestride | `(1, 1)` | Any | |
subplot | sp, splt, subplots, subplt | `:auto` | Union{Integer, Plots.Subplot} | The subplot that this series belongs to. |
weights | `nothing` | AbstractVector | Used in histogram types for weighted counts. | |
x | xs | `nothing` | Any | Input data (first dimension). |
xerror | xerr, xerrorbar, xerrors | `nothing` | Union{Tuple{AbstractVector, AbstractVector}, AbstractVector} | `x` (horizontal) error relative to x-value. If 2-tuple of vectors, the first vector corresponds to the left error (and the second to the right). |
y | ys | `nothing` | Any | Input data (second dimension). |
yerror | err, errorbar, yerr, yerrorbar, yerrors | `nothing` | Union{Tuple{AbstractVector, AbstractVector}, AbstractVector} | `y` (vertical) error relative to y-value. If 2-tuple of vectors, the first vector corresponds to the bottom error (and the second to the top). |
z | zs | `nothing` | Any | Input data (third dimension). May be wrapped by a `Surface` for surface and heatmap types. |
z_order | z_orders, zorders | `:front` | Union{Integer, Symbol} | :front (default), :back or index of position where 1 is furthest in the background. |
zerror | zerr, zerrorbar, zerrors | `nothing` | Any |
(Automatically generated: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 16:28:01)