
These attributes apply by default to all Axes in a Subplot (for example the subplot[:xaxis]).


You can also specific the x, y, or z axis for each of these attributes by prefixing the attribute name with x, y, or z (for example xmirror only sets the mirror attribute for the x axis).

draw_arrow`false`BoolDraw arrow at the end of the axis.
flip`false`BoolShould we flip (reverse) the axis?
foreground_color_axisaxiscolor, fg_axis, fg_color_axis, fg_colour_axis, fgaxis, fgcolor_axis, fgcoloraxis, fgcolour_axis, fgcolouraxis, foreground_axis, foreground_colour_axis, foregroundaxis, foregroundcolouraxis`match`Color Type or `:match` (matches `:foreground_color_subplot`)Color of axis ticks.
foreground_color_borderbordercolor, fg_border, fg_color_border, fg_colour_border, fgborder, fgcolor_border, fgcolorborder, fgcolour_border, fgcolourborder, foreground_border, foreground_colour_border, foregroundborder, foregroundcolourborder`match`Color Type or `:match` (matches `:foreground_color_subplot`)Color of plot area border (spines).
foreground_color_gridfg_color_grid, fg_colour_grid, fg_grid, fgcolor_grid, fgcolorgrid, fgcolour_grid, fgcolourgrid, fggrid, foreground_colour_grid, foreground_grid, foregroundcolourgrid, foregroundgrid, gridcolor`match`Color Type or `:match` (matches `:foreground_color_subplot`)Color of grid lines.
foreground_color_guidefg_color_guide, fg_colour_guide, fg_guide, fgcolor_guide, fgcolorguide, fgcolour_guide, fgcolourguide, fgguide, foreground_colour_guide, foreground_guide, foregroundcolourguide, foregroundguide, guidecolor`match`Color Type or `:match` (matches `:foreground_color_subplot`)Color of axis guides (axis labels).
foreground_color_minor_gridfg_color_minorgrid, fg_colour_minor_grid, fg_minor_grid, fgcolor_minorgrid, fgcolorminorgrid, fgcolour_minorgrid, fgcolourminorgrid, fgminorgrid, foreground_colour_minor_grid, foreground_minorgrid, foregroundcolourminorgrid, foregroundminorgrid, minorgridcolor`match`Color Type or `:match` (matches `:foreground_color_subplot`)Color of minor grid lines.
foreground_color_textfg_color_text, fg_colour_text, fg_text, fgcolor_text, fgcolortext, fgcolour_text, fgcolourtext, fgtext, foreground_colour_text, foreground_text, foregroundcolourtext, foregroundtext, textcolor`match`Color Type or `:match` (matches `:foreground_color_subplot`)Color of tick labels.
formatter`auto`Function, :scientific, :plain or :autoA method which converts a number to a string for tick labeling.
grid`true`Bool, Symbol, String or `nothing`Show the grid lines? `true`, `false`, `:show`, `:hide`, `:yes`, `:no`, `:x`, `:y`, `:z`, `:xy`, ..., `:all`, `:none`, `:off`
gridalphaga, galpha, gopacity, gridopacity, gα`0.1`Number in [0,1]The alpha/opacity override for the grid lines.
gridlinewidthgrid_linewidth, grid_lw, grid_width, gridlinewidth, gridlw, gridwidth`0.5`NumberWidth of the grid lines (in pixels)
gridstylegrid_linestyle, grid_ls, grid_style, gridlinestyle, gridls, gridstyle`solid`SymbolStyle of the grid lines. Choose from [:auto, :solid, :dash, :dot, :dashdot, :dashdotdot]
guide``StringAxis guide (label).
guide_position`auto`SymbolPosition of axis guides: :top, :bottom, :left or :right
guidefontcolor`match`Color TypeFont color of axes guides
guidefontfamily`match`String or SymbolFont family of axes guides.
guidefonthalign`hcenter`SymbolFont horizontal alignment of axes guides: :hcenter, :left, :right or :center
guidefontrotation`0.0`RealFont rotation of axes guides
guidefontsizelabelfontsize`11`IntegerFont pointsize of axes guides.
guidefontvalign`vcenter`SymbolFont vertical alignment of axes guides: :vcenter, :top, :bottom or :center
limslim, limit, limits, range`auto`NTuple{2,Number} or SymbolForce axis limits. Only finite values are used (you can set only the right limit with `xlims = (-Inf, 2)` for example). `:round` widens the limit to the nearest round number ie. [0.1,3.6]=>[0.0,4.0] `:symmetric` sets the limits to be symmetric around zero. Set widen=true to widen the specified limits (as occurs when lims are not specified).
linklinks`Any[]`SymbolHow/whether to link axis limits between subplots. Values: `:none`, `:x` (x axes are linked by columns), `:y` (y axes are linked by rows), `:both` (x and y are linked), `:all` (every subplot is linked together regardless of layout position).
minorgrid`false`BoolAdds minor grid lines and ticks to the plot. Set minorticks to change number of gridlines
minorgridalpha`0.05`Number in [0,1]The alpha/opacity override for the minorgrid lines.
minorgridlinewidthminorgrid_linewidth, minorgrid_lw, minorgrid_width, minorgridlinewidth, minorgridlw, minorgridwidth`0.5`NumberWidth of the minor grid lines (in pixels)
minorgridstyleminorgrid_linestyle, minorgrid_ls, minorgrid_style, minorgridlinestyle, minorgridls, minorgridstyle`solid`SymbolStyle of the minor grid lines. Choose from [:auto, :solid, :dash, :dot, :dashdot, :dashdotdot]
minorticks`false`IntegerIntervals to divide the gap between major ticks into
mirror`false`BoolSwitch the side of the tick labels (right or top).
rotationr, rot`0`NumberDegrees rotation of tick labels.
scale`identity`SymbolScale of the axis: `:none`, `:ln`, `:log2`, `:log10`
showaxis`true`Bool, Symbol or StringShow the axis. `true`, `false`, `:show`, `:hide`, `:yes`, `:no`, `:x`, `:y`, `:z`, `:xy`, ..., `:all`, `:off`
tick_directiontick_dir, tick_or, tick_orientation, tickdir, tickdirection, tickor, tickorientation`in`SymbolDirection of the ticks. `:in`, `:out` or `:none`
tickfontcolor`match`Color TypeFont color of tick labels
tickfontfamily`match`String or SymbolFont family of tick labels.
tickfonthalign`hcenter`SymbolFont horizontal alignment of tick labels: :hcenter, :left, :right or :center
tickfontrotation`0.0`RealFont rotation of tick labels
tickfontsize`8`IntegerFont pointsize of tick labels.
tickfontvalign`vcenter`SymbolFont vertical alignment of tick labels: :vcenter, :top, :bottom or :center
widen`auto`Bool or :autoWiden the axis limits by a small factor to avoid cut-off markers and lines at the borders. Defaults to `:auto`, which widens unless limits were manually set.

(Automatically generated: 2022-06-07T10:45:56.139)