These attributes apply to settings for individual Subplots.
Attribute | Aliases | Default | Type | Description |
annotationcolor | annotationcolors | `match` | Colorant or :match | Color of annotations. |
annotationfontfamily | annotationfontfamilys | `match` | String or Symbol | Font family of annotations. |
annotationfontsize | annotationfontsizes | `14` | Integer | Font pointsize of annotations. |
annotationhalign | annotationhaligns | `hcenter` | Symbol | horizontal alignment of annotations, :hcenter, :left, :right or :center. |
annotationrotation | annotationrotations | `0.0` | Float | Rotation of annotations in degrees. |
annotations | ann, annotate, annotation, anns | `Any[]` | (x,y,text) tuple(s) | Can be a single tuple or a list of them. Text can be String, PlotText (created with `text(args...)`), or a tuple of arguments to `text` (e.g., `("Label", 8, :red, :top)`). Add one-off text annotations at the x,y coordinates. |
annotationvalign | annotationvaligns | `vcenter` | Symbol | Vertical alignment of annotations, :vcenter, :top, :bottom or :center. |
aspect_ratio | aspect_ratios, aspectratio, aspectratios, axis_ratio, axisratio, ratio | `auto` | Symbol (:equal or :none) or Number | Plot area is resized so that 1 y-unit is the same size as `aspect_ratio` x-units. With `:none`, images inherit aspect ratio of the plot area. |
background_color_inside | background_color_insides, background_colour_inside, background_inside, backgroundcolorinsides, backgroundcolourinside, backgroundinside, bg_color_inside, bg_colour_inside, bg_inside, bgcolor_inside, bgcolorinside, bgcolour_inside, bgcolourinside, bginside | `match` | Color Type or `:match` (matches `:background_color_subplot`) | Background color inside the plot area (under the grid). |
background_color_subplot | background_color_subplots, background_colour_subplot, background_subplot, backgroundcolorsubplots, backgroundcoloursubplot, backgroundsubplot, bg_color_subplot, bg_colour_subplot, bg_subplot, bgcolor_subplot, bgcolorsubplot, bgcolour_subplot, bgcoloursubplot, bgsubplot | `match` | Color Type or `:match` (matches `:background_color`) | Base background color of the subplot. |
bottom_margin | bottom_margins, bottommargin, bottommargins | `match` | Measure (multiply by `mm`, `px`, etc) or `:match` (matches `:margin`) | Specifies the extra padding on the bottom of the subplot. |
camera | cam, cameras, view_angle, viewangle | `(30, 30)` | NTuple{2, Real} | Sets the view angle (azimuthal, elevation) for 3D plots |
clims | cbar_lims, cbarlims, clim, climits, color_limits, colorlimits | `auto` | `:auto`, NTuple{2,Number}, or a function that takes series data in and returns NTuple{2,Number} | Fixes the limits of the colorbar. |
color_palette | color_palettes, colorpalettes, palette | `auto` | Vector of colors (cycle through) or color gradient (generate list from gradient) or `:auto` (generate a color list using `Colors | distiguishable_colors` and custom seed colors chosen to contrast with the background). The color palette is a color list from which series colors are automatically chosen. |
colorbar | cb, cbar, colorbars, colorkey | `legend` | Bool (show the colorbar?) or Symbol (colorbar position) | Symbol values: `:none`, `:best`, `:right`, `:left`, `:top`, `:bottom`, `:legend` (matches legend value) (note: only some may be supported in each backend) |
colorbar_continuous_values | ||||
colorbar_discrete_values | ||||
colorbar_fontfamily | colorbar_fontfamilys, colorbarfontfamilys | `match` | String or Symbol | Font family of colobar entries. |
colorbar_formatter | colorbar_formatters, colorbarformatters | `auto` | Function, :scientific, :plain or :auto | A method which converts a number to a string for tick labeling. |
colorbar_scale | colorbar_scales, colorbarscales | `identity` | Symbol | Scale of the colorbar axis: `:none`, `:ln`, `:log2`, `:log10` |
colorbar_tickfontcolor | colorbar_tickfontcolors, colorbartickfontcolors | `match` | Color Type | Font color of colorbar tick entries |
colorbar_tickfontfamily | colorbar_tickfontfamilys, colorbartickfontfamilys | `match` | String or Symbol | Font family of colorbar tick labels. |
colorbar_tickfonthalign | colorbar_tickfonthaligns, colorbartickfonthaligns | |||
colorbar_tickfontrotation | colorbar_tickfontrotations, colorbartickfontrotations | |||
colorbar_tickfontsize | colorbar_tickfontsizes, colorbartickfontsizes | `8` | Integer | Font pointsize of colorbar tick entries. |
colorbar_tickfontvalign | colorbar_tickfontvaligns, colorbartickfontvaligns | |||
colorbar_ticks | ||||
colorbar_title | cb_title, cbar_title, cbartitle, cbtitle, colorbar_titles, colorbartitle, colorbartitles, colorkey_title, colorkeytitle | `` | String | Title of colorbar. |
colorbar_title_location | colorbar_title_locations, colorbartitlelocations | |||
colorbar_titlefontcolor | colorbar_titlefontcolors, colorbartitlefontcolors | |||
colorbar_titlefontfamily | colorbar_titlefontfamilys, colorbartitlefontfamilys | |||
colorbar_titlefonthalign | colorbar_titlefonthaligns, colorbartitlefonthaligns | |||
colorbar_titlefontrotation | colorbar_titlefontrotations, colorbartitlefontrotations | |||
colorbar_titlefontsize | colorbar_titlefontsizes, colorbartitlefontsizes | |||
colorbar_titlefontvalign | colorbar_titlefontvaligns, colorbartitlefontvaligns | |||
extra_kwargs | `Dict{Any, Any}()` | Either one of (`:plot`, `:subplot`, `:series`) to specify for which element extra keyword args are collected or a KW (Dict{Symbol,Any}) to pass a map of extra keyword args which may be specific to a backend | Default: `:series`. Example: `pgfplotsx(); scatter(1:5, extra_kwargs=Dict(:subplot=>Dict("axis line shift" => "10pt"))` | |
fontfamily_subplot | fontfamily_subplots, fontfamilysubplots | |||
foreground_color_subplot | fg_color_subplot, fg_colour_subplot, fg_subplot, fgcolor_subplot, fgcolorsubplot, fgcolour_subplot, fgcoloursubplot, fgsubplot, foreground_color_subplots, foreground_colour_subplot, foreground_subplot, foregroundcolorsubplots, foregroundcoloursubplot, foregroundsubplot | `match` | Color Type or `:match` (matches `:foreground_color`) | Base foreground color of the subplot. |
foreground_color_title | fg_color_title, fg_colour_title, fg_title, fgcolor_title, fgcolortitle, fgcolour_title, fgcolourtitle, fgtitle, foreground_color_titles, foreground_colour_title, foreground_title, foregroundcolortitles, foregroundcolourtitle, foregroundtitle, titlecolor | `match` | Color Type or `:match` (matches `:foreground_color_subplot`) | Color of subplot title. |
framestyle | axes_style, axesstyle, border, border_style, borderstyle, box, box_style, boxstyle, frame, frame_style, framestyle, framestyles | `axes` | Symbol | Style of the axes frame. Choose from [:box, :semi, :axes, :origin, :zerolines, :grid, :none] |
left_margin | left_margins, leftmargin, leftmargins | `match` | Measure (multiply by `mm`, `px`, etc) or `:match` (matches `:margin`) | Specifies the extra padding to the left of the subplot. |
legend_background_color | background_color_legend, background_colour_legend, background_legend, backgroundcolorlegend, backgroundcolourlegend, backgroundlegend, bg_color_legend, bg_colour_legend, bg_legend, bgcolor_legend, bgcolorlegend, bgcolour_legend, bgcolourlegend, bglegend, legend_background_colors, legendbackgroundcolor, legendbackgroundcolors | `match` | Color Type or `:match` (matches `:background_color_subplot`) | Background color of the legend. |
legend_column | legend_columns, legendcolumn, legendcolumns | `1` | Integer | Number of columns in the legend. `-1` stands for maximum number of colums (horizontal legend). |
legend_font | legend_fonts, legendfont, legendfonts | `Plots.Font("sans-serif", 8, :hcenter, :vcenter, 0.0, RGB{N0f8}(0.0,0.0,0.0))` | Font | Font of legend items. |
legend_font_color | legend_font_colors, legendfontcolor, legendfontcolors | `match` | Color Type | Font color of legend entries |
legend_font_family | legend_font_familys, legendfontfamily, legendfontfamilys | `match` | String or Symbol | Font family of legend entries. |
legend_font_halign | legend_font_haligns, legendfonthalign, legendfonthaligns | `hcenter` | Symbol | Font horizontal alignment of legend entries: :hcenter, :left, :right or :center |
legend_font_pointsize | legend_font_pointsizes, legendfontpointsize, legendfontpointsizes, legendfontsize | `8` | Integer | Font pointsize of legend entries. |
legend_font_rotation | legend_font_rotations, legendfontrotation, legendfontrotations | `0.0` | Real | Font rotation of legend entries |
legend_font_valign | legend_font_valigns, legendfontvalign, legendfontvaligns | `vcenter` | Symbol | Font vertical alignment of legend entries: :vcenter, :top, :bottom or :center |
legend_foreground_color | fg_color_legend, fg_colour_legend, fg_legend, fgcolor_legend, fgcolorlegend, fgcolour_legend, fgcolourlegend, fglegend, foreground_color_legend, foreground_colour_legend, foreground_legend, foregroundcolorlegend, foregroundcolourlegend, foregroundlegend, legend_foreground_colors, legendforegroundcolor, legendforegroundcolors | `match` | Color Type or `:match` (matches `:foreground_color_subplot`) | Foreground color of the legend. |
legend_position | key, leg, legend, legend_positions, legendposition, legendpositions, legends | `best` | Bool (show the legend?) or (x,y) tuple or Symbol (legend position) or angle or (angle,inout) tuple | Bottom left corner of legend is placed at (x,y). Symbol values: `:none`; `:best`; `:inline`; `:inside`; `:legend`; any valid combination of `:(outer ?)(top/bottom ?)(right/left ?)`, i.e.: `:top`, `:topright`, `:outerleft`, `:outerbottomright` ... (note: only some may be supported in each backend) |
legend_title | key_title, keytitle, label_title, labeltitle, leg_title, legend_titles, legendtitle, legendtitles, legtitle | `nothing` | String | Legend title. |
legend_title_font | legend_title_fonts, legendtitlefont, legendtitlefonts | `Plots.Font("sans-serif", 11, :hcenter, :vcenter, 0.0, RGB{N0f8}(0.0,0.0,0.0))` | Font | Font of the legend title. |
legend_title_font_color | legend_title_font_colors, legendtitlefontcolor, legendtitlefontcolors | `match` | Color Type | Font color of the legend title |
legend_title_font_family | legend_title_font_familys, legendtitlefontfamily, legendtitlefontfamilys | `match` | String or Symbol | Font family of the legend title. |
legend_title_font_halign | legend_title_font_haligns, legendtitlefonthalign, legendtitlefonthaligns | `hcenter` | Symbol | Font horizontal alignment of the legend title: :hcenter, :left, :right or :center |
legend_title_font_pointsize | legend_title_font_pointsizes, legendtitlefontpointsize, legendtitlefontpointsizes, legendtitlefontsize | `11` | Integer | Font pointsize the legend title. |
legend_title_font_rotation | legend_title_font_rotations, legendtitlefontrotation, legendtitlefontrotations | `0.0` | Real | Font rotation of the legend title |
legend_title_font_valign | legend_title_font_valigns, legendtitlefontvalign, legendtitlefontvaligns | `vcenter` | Symbol | Font vertical alignment of the legend title: :vcenter, :top, :bottom or :center |
margin | margins | `1.0mm` | Measure (multiply by `mm`, `px`, etc) | Base for individual margins... not directly used. Specifies the extra padding around subplots. |
projection | proj, projections | `none` | Symbol or String | '3d' or 'polar' |
right_margin | right_margins, rightmargin, rightmargins | `match` | Measure (multiply by `mm`, `px`, etc) or `:match` (matches `:margin`) | Specifies the extra padding to the right of the subplot. |
subplot_index | subplot_indexs, subplotindexs | `-1` | Integer | Internal (not set by user). Specifies the index of this subplot in the Plot's `plt.subplot` list. |
title | titles | `` | String | Subplot title. |
titlefontcolor | titlefontcolors | `match` | Color Type | Font color of subplot title |
titlefontfamily | titlefontfamilys | `match` | String or Symbol | Font family of subplot title. |
titlefonthalign | titlefonthaligns | `hcenter` | Symbol | Font horizontal alignment of subplot title: :hcenter, :left, :right or :center |
titlefontrotation | titlefontrotations | `0.0` | Real | Font rotation of subplot title |
titlefontsize | titlefontsizes | `14` | Integer | Font pointsize of subplot title. |
titlefontvalign | titlefontvaligns | `vcenter` | Symbol | Font vertical alignment of subplot title: :vcenter, :top, :bottom or :center |
titlelocation | title_align, title_alignment, title_loc, title_location, title_pos, title_position, titlealign, titlealignment, titleloc, titlelocation, titlelocations, titlepos, titleposition | `center` | Symbol | Position of subplot title. Values: `:left`, `:center`, `:right` |
top_margin | top_margins, topmargin, topmargins | `match` | Measure (multiply by `mm`, `px`, etc) or `:match` (matches `:margin`) | Specifies the extra padding on the top of the subplot. |
(Automatically generated: 2022-08-13T17:00:03.923)