First, add the package:
import Pkg
# if you want the latest features:
Pkg.pkg"add Plots#master"
The GR backend is included by default, but you can install additional plotting packages if you need a different backend.
Tier 1 support backends (in alphabetical order):
# You do not need to add this package because it is the default backend and
# therefore it is automatically installed with Plots.jl. Note that you might
# need to install additional system packages if you are on Linux, see
# You need to have LaTeX installed on your system
Pkg.add("PlotlyJS"); Pkg.add("PlotlyBase")
# Note that you only need to add this if you need Electron windows and
# additional output formats, otherwise `plotly()` comes shipped with Plots.jl.
# In order to have a good experience with Jupyter, refer to Plotly-specific
# Jupyter installation (
# Depends only on PyPlot package
Tier 2 support backends:
Learn more about backends here.
Finally, you may wish to add some extensions from the Plots ecosystem:
using Plots # or StatsPlots
# using GraphRecipes # if you wish to use GraphRecipes package too
Optionally, choose a backend and/or override default settings at the same time:
gr(size = (300, 300), legend = false) # provide optional defaults
plotly(ticks=:native) # plotlyjs for richer saving options
pyplot() # backends are selected with lowercase names
unicodeplots() # plot in terminal
Plots will use the GR backend by default. You can override this choice by setting an environment variable in your ~/.julia/config/startup.jl
file (if the file does not exist, create it). To do this, add e.g. the following line of code: ENV["PLOTS_DEFAULT_BACKEND"] = "PlotlyJS"
You can override standard default values in your ~/.julia/config/startup.jl
file, for example PLOTS_DEFAULTS = Dict(:markersize => 10, :legend => false, :warn_on_unsupported => false)